

Fifty-six children, ages 6 months to 18, live at City of Refuge GT, a children’s home directed by Glad Tidings Church on the northern Caribbean island of Jamaica. The 26-acre campus sits on a mountaintop about an hour’s drive from the capital city, Kingston.

These children, prior to coming to the home, were counted among thousands in Jamaica who are abused, neglected, abandoned and some left on the streets without any shelter or provision.


"Designate the cities of refuge." -Joshua 20:2

Starting in the hearts of Assemblies of God missionaries, Steve and Kim Puffpaff, the City of Refuge was birthed as a place for the disenfranchised children of Jamaica to find security, hope & love. In 2001, the Puffpaffs started the City of Refuge Children's Home out of a need to reach the children & teens in the nation.

In June 2015, Glad Tidings Church of Ocoee, Fl. transitioned as the Leadership Team of the COR (today known as CORGT). The goal of CORGT is to cultivate a Christ-centered environment where future lawyers, teachers, businessmen/women and pastors are developed & encouraged to be all they can be in Christ.


"But let the godly rejoice.
    Let them be glad in God’s presence.
    Let them be filled with joy.
Sing praises to God and to his name!
    Sing loud praises to him who rides the clouds.
His name is the Lord—
    rejoice in his presence!
Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—
    this is God, whose dwelling is holy.

God places the lonely in families;
    he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy..."

-Psalm 68:3-6 (NLT)


Connecting people to God, to one another, to the marketplace and to the world.

Worship. Word. World.

-GT Mission Statement
